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Passport Services

1. Passport application process
2. Reissue of the Passport
3. Passport for Minors (Upto 18 years of age)
4. TATKAL Passport
5. Birth Registration & Passport for new born
6. Change of Name
7. Passport Fee
8. Miscellaneous Services
9. Marriage Registration
10. Emergency Certificates
11. Surrender of Indian Passport / Renunciation of Indian citizenship

Passport Application Process

Passport Application Forms: Compulsory on-line filling

1.        The Passport Seva Program has brought in a huge transformation towards delivery of Passport Services in India. More than one crore passports are being issued every year through the Passport Seva system. The Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, took many significant steps to improve the service delivery experience for the citizens. Not only did the work of simplifying Passport rules and procedures has been achieved but passport services have also been taken closer to the doorsteps of the citizens. In recent years, considerable improvement both in terms of procedure and timelines have been implemented, which has enabled faster delivery of passport services to applicants in India and abroad.

2. (i)    The Ministry has initiated the integration of Passport Seva Program at all Indian Embassies and Consulates across the globe.
(ii)      As part of worldwide implementation of Passport Seva Project, the Global Passport Seva Program has been rolled out for the Indian Diaspora living in Bahrain.
(iii)   The new system will help in easy and convenient application submission process, will usher in standardisation, digital overhauling, end-to-end status tracking, enhance security and make passport services more accessible and user friendly. It would be a further improvement and streamlining of the passport services rendered to Indian citizens living in Bahrain.

3.  Indian citizens living in the jurisdiction of Embassy of India, Bahrain are advised to use the new portal https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/henceforth for availing Passport Services.

4.     All applications are required to be completed online. Procedure is as follows:
(i)     Applicants are required to do one time registration at https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/ (Passport Seva at Indian Embassies and Consulates) and create a USER ID.
(ii)    Login using the newly created USER ID and fill in the user-friendly application form online at the same portal. 
(iii)   After submitting the form online, take a print out of the application.
(iv)   Affix photo at the designated place.  (Signatures are required to affixed before the Submission Officer of IVS.)
(v)    Submit the print out alongwith required documents and prescribed fee at the IVS Centre
  5. Please visit Embassy website at https://www.eoibahrain.gov.in//consular wing/passport and IVS website at  http://www.ivsbahrain.com/index.html/for detailed information.


Reissue of the Passport
A passport is reissued under the following circumstances:

  • Validity Expired or Validity due to Expire
  • Exhaustion of visa pages
  • Lost/Stolen or Damaged Passports
  • Change in Existing passport particulars
  • Validity Expired or Validity due to Expire

    An application for reissue of passport can be submitted anytime within one year before the expiry of the validity or after the expiry of the validity.  However, if the passport is expired for more than three years, the application should be supported by Sworn Affidavit explaining the circumstances and the reasons for the late renewal.

  • Requirements
  • Applicants are required to fill online application form at https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in and carry a printout of the filled in application form. (Personal Particulars (PP) form is NOT required in case of ONLINE APPLICATIONS).
  • Two recent passport-size photographs of 2 inch x 2 inch with white background. 
  • Original Passport (including subsequent additional booklet(s), if any).
  • Photocopy of Passport (first two and last two pages and all pages of observations, if any, made by Passport Issuing Authority)
  • Copy of valid VISA.  
  • Personal presence of the applicant at the Application Centre is a must.
  • Prescribed fees.
  • Tatkal facility (delivery within 3 days i.e. Sunday to Thursday) is available only in Embassy of India, Bahrain [428 ، Building 1090 ، Rd No 2819, Al-Seef]. [for Tatkal passport, two Indian IDs are must, in addition to the passport]


  • Exhaustion of visa pages

    An application for reissue of passport can be submitted if the pages have exhausted or not enough pages are left for affixing visas.    

  • Applicants are required to fill online application form at https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in and carry a printout of the filled in application form.
  • One recent passport-size photographs of 2 inch x 2 inch with white background.
  • Original Passport (including subsequent additional booklet(s), if any).
  • Photocopy of Passport (first two and last two pages and all pages of observations, if any, made by Passport Issuing Authority)
  • Copy of valid VISA(original to be shown for verification
  • Personal presence of the applicant at the Application Centre is a must.
  • Prescribed fees.
  • Tatkal facility (delivery within 3 days i.e. Sunday to Thursday) is available only in Embassy of India, Bahrain [428, Building 1090, Rd No 2819, Al-Seef].
  • Lost/stolen and damaged passports


Requirements for passport in lieu of LOST/STOLEN passports

  • Applicants are required to fill online application form at https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in and carry a printout of the filled in application form.
  • Annexure - Affidavit for a passport in lieu of lost/damaged passports (pdf link)
  • CID/Police Report for loss of passport alongwith its authorised English legal translation.
  • Immigration report (by NPRA) stating that no one has travelled on the passport after being lost/damaged.
  • Sponsor's letter with English translation, if not in English.
  • One recent passport-size photographs of 2 inch x 2 inch with white background. 
  • Photocopy of Passport & Visa (first two and last two pages and all pages of observations, if any, made by Passport Issuing Authority)
  • Prescribed fees.

Requirements for passport in lieu of DAMAGED passports

  • Applicants are required to fill online application form at https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in and carry a printout of the filled in application form. (Personal Particulars form is NOT required in case of ONLINE APPLICATIONS).
  • Annexure - Affidavit for a passport in lieu of lost/damaged passports (pdf link)
  • Sponsor's letter with English translation, if not in English.
  • One recent passport-size photographs of 2 inch x 2 inch with white background. 
  • Original damaged Passport.
  • Photocopy of Passport & Visa (first two and last two pages and all pages of observations, if any, made by Passport Issuing Authority)
  • Prescribed fees.

(iv) Change in Existing passport particulars

An application for reissue of passport can be submitted for changes in any of the existing particulars in the passport viz.,

Change of Name

Inclusion/Deletion of spouse's name

Correction/Change in parents name

Correction of spouse's name

Correction in Date of Birth

Correction in Place of Birth

Deletion of ECR Status

Change of Appearance

Change of Address

Change of Signature
Note: - Change of Appearance Affidavit (Pdf link)
Single person- General Affidavit (pdf link)
Change of Name (pdf link)

Documents required in case of reissue of the passport for change of Name

  • Two Govt of India issued ID proofs with change name
  • Advertisement in two newspapers(one in India, One local)
  • Declaration for change of name



Passport for Minors (Upto 18 years of age)

Minors are issued passports for 5 years of validity or upto attaining 18 years of age, whichever is earlier.  Minors between the age of 15 and 18 have the option to apply for a full validity passport (ten years) by payment of fees as applicable for issue of passports to persons above 18 years of age. 

Personal presence of the applicant is required at the Indian Passport Application Centre at the time of submission of the application.


  • Applicants are required to fill online application form at https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in and carry a printout of the filled in application form. 
  • Annexure D (pdf link) to be signed by both the parents and presence of both the parents or either parent with passports of both the parents at the time of submission of application;  OR   Annexure C (pdf link) in case of single parent or the other parent not available for reasons mentioned in para III of the Annexure.
  • At least one of the parents should have spouse's name endorsed in the passport.
  • Original Passport (including subsequent booklet(s), if any.
  • Original VISA.
  • One recent passport-size photographs of 2 inch x 2 inch with white background. 
  • Photocopy of Passport (first two and last two pages and all pages of observations, if any, made by Passport Issuing Authority)
  • Copy of VISA
  • Photocopy of both parents’ passports.
  • Photocopy of both parents' VISA.
  • Prescribed fees.
  • Tatkal facility (delivery within 3 days i.e. Sunday to Thursday) is available only in Embassy of India, Bahrain [428, Building 1090, Rd No 2819, Al-Seef].



TATKAL Passport
Emergency service for issue of passport can be availed of by payment of an additional fee of BHD 56.600/- under the Tatkal Scheme, in addition to the Normal fee (Adult – BHD 28.30/- and minors up to 15 years of age – BHD 18.900/) provided the applicant is eligible for that service.
TATKAL passport facilities will be rendered to the applicants only after checking all the documents physically and checking the passport details in the system. Applicants are advised to go through the following details before applying for TATKAL services. GSR 933(E) of Passport Act, 1967
Following cases are not eligible for TATKAL service “

  • If there is no clear police verification report in the system w.r.t the old passport of the applicant.
  • Lost/stolen cases
  • Fresh issue of passports to citizens of India by Registration/Naturalization
  • Applicants deported to India on passport or EC
  • Change in name
  • Change in sex
  • Change in appearance
  • Change/correction of date of birth or place of birth
  • Change of father/mother/spouse name
  • Change in signature
  • Indian children adopted by Indian parents or foreign parents
  • Minors whose Parents are divorced or separated
  • Renewal of Short Validity Passport
  • Damaged passports
  • Applicants whose names figure in PAC or who have been habitual losers or who had earlier travelled on forged or fake passports.


If an applicant of the age of 18 years and above desires to obtain passport under the ‘Tatkal’ Scheme, he/she shall submit any two of the following documents, namely:

  • Aadhaar Card or e-Aadhaar containing the 12 digit Aadhaar number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI);
  • Electors Photo Identify Card (EPIC);
  • Permanent Account Number (PAN);
  • driving licence (valid and within the jurisdiction of State of submission of applicant);
  • bank passbook or kisan passbook or post office passbook;
  • student photo identity card issued by a recognised educational institution;
  • birth certificate issued under the Registration of Births and Deaths Act,1969 (18 of 1969);
  • service photo identity card issued by State Government or Central Government, public sector undertakings, local bodies or public limited companies;
  • pension document such as ex-servicemen’s pension book or pension payment order issued to retired Government employees, ex-servicemen’s widow or dependent certificate, old age pension order;
  • scheduled caste or scheduled tribe or other backward class certificate;
  • arms licence issued under the Arms Act, 1959 (54 of 1959);
  • ration card;

If an applicant below the age of 18 years desires to obtain passport under the ‘Tatkal’ Scheme, he/she shall submit any one of the following documents, namely:-

    • Aadhaar Card or e-Aadhaar containing the 12 digit Aadhaar number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI);
    • Permanent Account Number (PAN);
    • student photo identity card issued by a recognised educational institution;
    • birth certificate issued under the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 (18 of 1969) and
    • ration card
  • In cases where the applicant has paid the ‘Tatkal’ fee and submitted documents specified, the passport shall be issued within three working days from the date of submission of application.
  • Full validity passport is issued against ‘Tatkal’ application



Birth Registration & Passport for new born

The birth of every child born in the Kingdom of Bahrain to Indian parent(s) is required to be registered with the Embassy of India, Bahrain depending upon areas of jurisdiction.  The birth of a child in Bahrain is required to be registered with the Embassy within one year of the birth.   A copy of the Extract from Birth certificate is issued by the Embassy to the child after registering his/her name as an Indian national and a separate Passport is issued to the new born baby.

Every child who is born to Indian parent(s) in Kingdom of Bahrain is issued a separate passport.  There is no need to bring the new born child to the Indian Passport Application Centre or Embassy of India, Bahrain.

 Requirements for Birth Registration & New Passport for new born baby:

  • Request for registration of birth of child born abroad under section 4(1) of the Citizenship Act (Form) or on the website https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in.
  • Original Birth Registration Certificate issued by Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Bahrain.
  • One recent passport-size photographs of 3.5 cm x 4 cm with white background.
  • Photocopy of both parents’ passports & Visa (original to be shown for verification).
  • A copy of marriage certificate of the parents.
  • Atleast one of the parents should have spouse's name endorsed in the passport.
  • Prescribed fees.

In case one of the parent happens to be a foreign national, a NOC certificate from the Embassy of the foreign country stating that the child has not been registered as their citizen and not issued any passport, may also be submitted.
[Note:- Parents visiting Embassy to register the birth of their new born child are advised to register their child’s name with ‘surname’, as applicable on submitting an affidavit to this effect. They may note that once the birth is registered without surname, they shall have to undergo through legal/documentation process to add the ‘surname’.
Late Registration of the birth of the child

The birth of the child is required to be registered with the Indian Embassy within one year of the birth.  In case, the registration of the birth could not be done for any reasons, one of the parents of the minor may visit the Embassy and meet the consular officer with a request to register the birth detailing the reasons for not registering the birth on time, alongwith following documents.

  • Online registration of the birth of the child born abroad under section 4(1) of the Citizenship Act on the website https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in
  • A copy of the application submitted online for registration of child, duly attested by the consular officer.
  • Birth certificate issued by Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Bahrain.
  • Photocopy of both parents’ passports & Visa. (original to be shown for verification).
  • A copy of marriage certificate of the parents.
  • Atleast one of the parents should have spouse's name endorsed in the passport.

 Passport for new born
Requirements for New Passport for new born baby:

  • Applicants are required to fill online application form at https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in and carry a printout of the filled in application form duly signed by both parents [child’s thumb impression (left thumb for male & right thumb for female) should be affixed in the signature box].
  • Annexure D (pdf link) to be signed by both the parents and presence of both the parents or either parent with passports of both the parents at the time of submission of application;  OR  
    Annexure C (pdf link) in case of single parent or the other parent not available for reasons mentioned in para III of the Annexure.
  • Copy of Birth Registration Certificate issued by Embassy of India, Bahrain.
  • One recent passport-size photographs of 3.5 cm x 4 cm with white background
  • Photocopy of both parents’ passports & Visa.(original to be shown for verification).
  • Both parents should be holding valid visa
  • A copy of marriage certificate of the parents.
  • Atleast one of the parents should have spouse's name endorsed in the passport.
  • Prescribed fees.



Change of Name

Two set of procedures are prescribed for following two categories:

Category 1
a)            A woman applying for change in name following marriage;
b)            Divorcees/Widow applying for change from married name to maiden name;
c)            Remarried applicants applying for change of name
Category 2 - All other cases not covered in Category 1
Requirements (for both Category 1 & 2)

  1. Applicants are required to fill online application form at https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in and carry a printout of the filled in application form.
  2. Three recent passport-size photographs of 2 inch x 2 inch with white background.
  3. Original Passport (including subsequent additional booklet(s), if any).
  4. Photocopy of Passport &Visa (first two and last two pages and all pages of observations, if any, made by Passport Issuing Authority)
  5. Personal presence of the applicant at the Application Centre is a must.
  6. Prescribed fees.

Additional Requirements (for Category 2 only)

  1. Original newspaper cuttings announcing the change of name published in two leading daily newspapers (one popular daily newspaper in the area of the applicant’s present address and another at his permanent address).
  2. Atleast two public documents issued in the desired/ applied changed name to ascertain that the applicant has actually changed his name.



Passport Fee

                                                                           Scale of Fees. (All fees in BD)

Sl No.

Particulars of application

Normal Fees

Tatkal fee (Exclusive of normal fee)


For issue of ordinary fresh passport or reissue of Passport containing 36 pages having validity of ten years (also applicable to minors in the age group of fifteen to eighteen years).
(Replacement of ordinary passport Lieu Change of personal particular, deletion of Emigration Check Required (ECR) stamp, Change of DOB, deletion or Adding Spouse name.)






For issue of ordinary fresh passport or reissue of passport  containing 60 pages having validity of ten years (also applicable to minors in the age group of fifteen to eighteen years)
(Replacement of ordinary passport Lieu Change of personal particular, deletion of Emigration Check Required (ECR) stamp, Change of DOB, deletion or Adding of Spouse name.)






For issue of ordinary fresh passport or reissue of passport of 36 pages for minors below eighteen years of age with validity of five years or till the minor attains the age of eighteen years, whichever is earlier






For replacement of ordinary passport of 36 pages in lieu of lost, damaged or stolen passport





For replacement of ordinary passport of 60 pages in lieu of lost, damaged or stolen passport






Emergency Certificate




Additional ordinary passport containing 36 pages for any country with initial validity up to one year.




  • Note: In addition to the above fee, Indian Community Welfare Fund (ICWF) fee of BD 1 (per document) is applicable
  • Note: In addition to the above fee, service fee of BD 0.600 per application is applicable to the applications submitted at IVS Global.



Miscellaneous Services 





 Police Clearance Certificate (PCC)

 9.5 BD


 NRI Certificate

 9.5 BD


 Duplicate Birth Certificate

 9.5 BD


 Miscellaneous certificate based on entries in passport

 9.5 BD

 All the Miscellaneous Service form (except PCC) submitted at the Embassy.


Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) - To be applied in person

9.5 BD



  • Applicants are required to fill online application form at https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in and carry a printout of the filled in application form.
  • Original Passport (including subsequent additional booklets if any) - Passport will be retained during the tenure of the service.
  • Photocopy of inside cover pages and other relevant pages of the passport.
  • One recent passport size photograph (to be affixed on the form).
  • Supporting document for the reason for applying Police Clearance Certificate.

PCC will be issued only after receipt of CLEAR police verification report.



Non Resident Indian (NRI) Certificate (For educational purpose only)
(Time Required : within 2 Days)

BD 9.5



  • Application in the Miscellaneous Services Form
  • Original Passport (including subsequent additional booklets if any). If the passport is issued recently (less than a year), the previous passport is also required to be submitted - Passport will be retained during the tenure of the service.
  • Photocopy of inside cover pages and other relevant pages of the passport.
  • One recent passport size photograph (to be affixed on the form).
  • Passport copy of Son/Daughter for the purpose of admission.


Duplicate Birth Certificate
(Time Required : within 2 Days)

9.5 BD


Requirements for issue of Duplicate Birth Certificate:

  • Application in the Miscellaneous Services Form
  • Photocopy of inside cover pages and other relevant pages of the passport.
  • Copy of birth certificate issued.  In case, copy of the Birth Certificate is not available, please provide original registration number along with date of registration
  • One recent passport size photograph (to be affixed on the form).

(i) Only those Indian Nationals born in Bahrain and whose birth was registered with the Embassy, shall be issued duplicate Birth Certificate.  In other cases, the applicant may request for a certificate based on the entries on the passport.
(ii) In case the applicant is not a resident in Bahrain, he/she may authorise a relative/friend to submit the original application on their behalf.]





Miscellaneous certificate based on entries on the passport
(Time Required : within 2 working Days)

9.5 BD



  • Application in the Miscellaneous Services
  • Original Passport (including subsequent additional booklets if any) - Passport will be retained during the tenure of the service.
  • Photocopy of inside cover pages and other relevant pages of the passport.
  • One recent passport size photograph (to be affixed on the form).
  • Letter requesting the exact nature of certificate requested for.




Note: An additional Fee of BD 1 is levied on each Service as contribution towards the Indian Community Welfare Fund (ICWF).
Note: In addition to the above fee, service fee of BD 0.600 per application is applicable to the applications submitted at IVS Global.




Marriage Registration
Solemnization and Registration of Marriage

Under the Foreign Marriage Act of 1969, the Embassy of India, Bahrain solemnizes/ register marriages outside India, where at least one of the applicants is an Indian and must have residence permit of Bahrain.

  • Marriage solemnization and registration in Embassy
  • Marriage Registration in Embassy (marriage solemnized in Mosque/Temple/Church)


Bridegroom, Bride and three witnesses are required to appear before Marriage Officer for signatures with their original passports at the time of signing the notice form and at the time of solemnization/registration of the Marriage. A copy of the Notice of intended marriage will be displayed on the Embassy notice board for 30 days. After 30 days of notice period, marriage will be solemnized/registered on a fixed date and time. If one of the parties is a foreign national, a No Objection Certificate/Affidavit (in respect of his/her marital status and willingness to marry an Indian) from the concerned Consulate/Embassy and attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bahrain.

Marriage Solemnization and Registration

The following formalities are to be completed before the marriage is solemnized. A Newspaper advertisement is to be given as a first step by the individuals in local English Newspaper as well as English Newspaper in the place of permanent residence indicated in the Passport in India. Newspaper format is to be attested by the Embassy of India, Bahrain. (Newspaper Affidavit Format link)

Marriage Solemnization Format

  • Notice of Intended marriage (4 copies) form, duly filled-in. (Notice of Intended Marriage link)
  • Declaration by prospective bride and the bridegroom (in duplicate by each), duly attested by the Embassy. (Declaration affidavit link)
  • Sworn affidavit by prospective bride and bridegroom (in duplicate by each), duly attested by the Embassy. (Sworn Affidavit link)
  • Four identical passport size recent photographs (by each).  At least one of the parties must be on a residence permit of Bahrain.
  • Three witnesses (holding residence permit of Bahrain) with their original and passport photocopy.
  • If one of the parties is other than Indian, No Objection Certificates/Affidavit (in respect of his/her marital status and willingness to marry an Indian) from the concerned Consulate/ Embassy and attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bahrain.
  • All five persons are required to appear before Marriage Officer for signatures with their original passport and a photocopy both at the time of submission of forms and at the time of solemnization of the Marriage. Photocopy of Passports required only at the time of submission of form.
  • Newspaper advertisement is to be given by the individuals for publication in local English Newspaper as well as English Newspaper in India/concerned country in the place of permanent residence indicated in the passport. The advertisement should contain the full text provided by the Embassy.
  • All the particulars in the forms must be filled in as per the passport.

Marriage Registration

  • An affidavit ‘intent to marry’ (PDF link) is to be attested by Embassy of India, Bahrain for getting their marriage solemnized in Mosque/Temple/Church.
  • After marriage solemnized applicant may contact the Consular Wing of the Embassy for assistance in registering the marriage at the Embassy.


Documents Required for attestation:

  • Affidavit form completely filled in as per passport
  • Either bridegroom / bride (Indian national) must be present with original passport and residence visa of Bahrain
  • Passport copies of Bridegroom and Bride
  • Residence visa copy of Bahrain
  • Recent Photograph of the applicant
  • Prescribed fees





 Emergency Certificates

Issue of Emergency Certificate for one-way travel to India 
Indian nationals on Visit Visa whose passport is lost/damaged/expired/visa pages exhausted are issued Emergency Certificate (EC)s for their travel back to India.  
Applications for issue of Emergency Certificate are accepted in the Embassy between 0830 - 1200 hrs. 
Requirements for issue of an Emergency Certificate for one-way travel to India in case of non-availability of a valid Passport with the applicant and where a new passport cannot be issued immediately:-

·    Applicants are required to fill online application form at https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in and carry a printout of the filled in application form.  
·    Copy of Final Exit or Letter from sponsor undertaking to get exit visa issued (if applicable). 
·    Copy of Passport and Original Passport if available.
·    Recent passport size photographs of 2 inch x 2 inch with white background.  

Fees:  5.7 BD + 1 BD (ICWF fees).  
Time Taken: within 3 days.

1.    All fees are to be paid in Bahraini in Cash at the Counter along with application form.  Fees once paid are not refunded, even if the application is withdrawn or the service refused for whatsoever reasons.

2.    It may be noted that issue of Emergency Certificate is intended for one way travel to India only and results in cancellation of existing passport of the holder.  On arrival in India, he/she will have to contact the concerned Passport Issuing Authority in India for issue of new passport.



Surrender of Indian Passport / Renunciation of Indian Citizenship
1. Any Indian citizen can renounce his/her citizenship by making a declaration in the Form XXII specified in Rule 23 of The Citizenship Rules, 2009. The application Form has to be filled only on the online portal of MHA https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in/.
2. The applicant can apply at Indian Mission/Post concerned OR DM/DC's office (as the case may be) in India based on his present address.
3. The renouncer would fill all his/her details and upload relevant documents in above mentioned website, take a print-out and visit the Indian Mission/Post concerned or the office of District Collector (DC)/ District Magistrate (DM) concerned for interview, signing the declaration before the concerned authority (Consular officer or the DM/DC concerned) and to submit the print-out of the application with supporting documents.
4. Separate application has to be filed for each applicant.
5. The online form should be filled in Block/ Capital letters.
6. Once the application form is submitted online by the applicant, then no further modifications are allowed. Hence applicants are requested to carefully verify the details before submitting the online application form.
7. MHA File Number would be generated automatically after the submission of online application and the same will be communicated to the applicant by e-mail. Applicant must keep note of it for tracking the status and refer this file number for any future correspondence.
8. Applicant has to pay fee online. The amount of fee is prescribed in Schedule IV appended to the Citizenship Rules, 2009.
9. Complete step by step instructions for filling a fresh online application, modifying a partially filled online application, printing an application submitted online may be referred in website https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in/..
10. Applicant must take the print out of the online submitted application and personally submit the same at the Indian Mission/Post concerned OR the office of DM/DC concerned (as the case may be) along with original documents for further action by authority concerned.
11. Applicant will be provided acknowledgement in Form XXIII after his signed application/declaration is successfully uploaded by the Indian Mission/Post OR DM/DC's office (as the case may be). This may be sent to applicant through e-mail.
12. The decision of the competent authority on declaration of renunciation of Indian citizenship shall be conveyed to the applicant through e-mail. On acceptance of the declaration by the Competent Authority, a signed Renunciation Certificate (RC) will be sent by post in due course of time.
13. Applicant may note the legal provision under section 8 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 which provides that where a person ceases to be a citizen of India on renunciation of citizenship under section 8 (1), every minor child of that person shall thereupon ceases to be a citizen of India However, such child may, within one year after attaining full age, can make a declaration in the prescribed form and manner that he wishes to resume Indian citizenship.
14. A person who has ceased to be Indian citizen is required to surrender the documents which he had acquired on the basis of his Indian citizenship (e.g. Voter ID Card etc) to the authorities concerned.
